
19 May 2022

Love Letter to Fuwch Gyfeilioru


Beloved Goddess, 

Thank you for the abundant gifts you've given to me throughout my life. Creativity, the love of art, communication skills, knowledge and the desire to learn are truly priceless blessings! Your kindness and generosity is abundant. I am inspired by the unspoken magick of life that whispers in the soulful language of poetry and other-worldly wisdom...

O! How nourished I am and overflowing with happiness... O pure, white elfin cow, you bring deep inner peace to my spirit... and fill me with joy. 

Remember that summer day, years ago, as we sat together in the meadow? Wildflowers were blooming everywhere about us, and the stream sang a constant love song as we laughed and shared secret dreams? I do! I loved that time with you.... 

Earlier today, I placed my hand over my art magick journal and asked you for guidance; I feel as if I have not lived up to the expectations I have for myself. I opened it at random, and there, upon the colourful pages, you showed me just how far I've come! Just how wise I am in the ways of metaphysics and mystic insight. Though I feel stagnant at times, slow to evolve and blossom, you reminded me just how much I've actually grown, how much deeper my knowing, how much more light I emit, how much more conscious I am of the divine in everything, including myself!

Fuwch Gyfeilioru, in your name and by my will, I claim all that is for me and rejoice at the ability to live and share and experience this life! I reclaim all that I have unknowingly and ignorantly given away. I reclaim my power and my ability to nourish and nurture myself. I reclaim my ability to create the life I want to live. I claim that I am free to learn all that I need to fulfill my soul purpose. I remember you, and I am strengthened. I remember who I am!

I am a woman of honour. I am a woman of grace and wisdom. I am a creative woman who is inspired daily - moment by moment to be a pure reflection of love, of the goddess.  I acknowledge and cherish my inner voice, my intuitive knowing and my inherent connection to the sacred within all. I love and cherish my body. I love and cherish the holy cycles and seasons of being woman. I love and celebrate my innate ability to be receptive and open. Empower me, beloved, in the ways I need- that I may be as pure, wise and powerful as you.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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