
04 May 2022

Love Letter to Maeve

Beloved Goddess, 

Your golden light shines brightly! But only briefly, in unexpected flashes as if through the canopy of trees, before it's once more hidden by the clouds. I'm left wondering, is it you or the sunshine? I close my eyes and feel you here beside me... the glow of your aura still seen behind my eyelids. 
The scent of flowers warm and sweet permeate the air, and yet, no flowers can be seen... Am I dreaming?

Beautiful Queen of the faeries, thank you for the gifts of magick and protection that runs wild in my gypsy Irish blood. Often, I remember what it felt like to be free as a bird... But, that was a long time ago.  Was that when we first met?

Sometimes, when I am wandering through the forest... when everything is quiet except for the whispering of the leaves, I think I feel you watching me... But, I cannot see you and you do not make your presence known when I call to you...

Do you receive the gifts of honey, sweet bread and ale I leave for you at the altar of the ancient oak? I have thought often, that I see faeries dancing there, but when I look again, there are only small orbs of golden light flickering in the soft grasses....

This day is silent; heavy clouds darken the mid morning sky and I wonder if it will rain. All is still... even my thoughts! 
I have thrown a blanket upon the earth on which to lay and rest among the tall trees. Their leaves have all unfurled in various shades of green. They look so sweet and fresh. It feels so peaceful to hear them rustling in the wind... singing secrets I no longer understand. How could I have forgotten the language of my youth? I thought I'd always remember the meaning of their words. Now, it sounds like a lullaby, and whenever I hear it, though acutely aware, I feel as if I'm hypnotized or dreaming - while random images like distant memories play across my field of vision.

. . . . . lost in no thought 
- only pure awareness . . . . . 

Glancing at my arm, I notice a shadow pattern tattooed upon my skin. Just like yours! Maeve, are you here with me? I cannot see you, but I sense your presence. Delicate and yet full of unspoken power. I feel it on my skin... my legs are also covered in shadow designs. What magick! How strange and beautiful they lay upon me... I looked high into the trees to see what is casting its spell, but I can't tell... odd, they don't fall across my skirt.

I wish you could see the brilliance of this red skirt. I thought of you as I embroidered these tiny white flowers and this golden bird along its hem. 
When no one is around, I pray to this little yellow darling and ask it to carry my heart song to your listening ear.  Does it ever find its way to you?

Ooh! Mab!! I've been meaning to ask: Is it you who gently guides me to become a leader? You know that I am shy. Yet, I keep hearing your voice; the message - Take the lead... I hear you every time I imagine what it would be like to be part of a magickal and powerful sisterhood. I hear you suggesting that I start a women's circle on the bright and the dark of the moon. If so, please guide me. Show me where to hold the gatherings, and lead the women to find me...  
I don't know many women here, but the ones I do are not receptive to my wise woman ways... They are drawn to me like moths to a flame, but at the same time, they pull away as if they might get burned. Are they afraid of me? Some have said they think my ways are strange, and one outright called them evil! It hurts my heart to be so misunderstood, yet, I do not feel the need or desire to defend myself. Maeve, will you please bring the ones with pure hearts and wild spirits to me, that we may gather in sacred circle and be united in our love for you?
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

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