
02 May 2022

Love Letter to Estsanatlehi


Beloved Goddess,
Ooh sister... I marvel at the gentle way you teach me of change. The people and I know how good you are, and we're so grateful for your good example. Change has always been hard for me, and yet, it's my constant companion. You are with me always - the apple seed. the slow but steady growing tree - the apple blossoms, the sweet juicy fruit, the letting go and standing naked... the cycles over and over of change - nothing remains the same, and yet, it remains true to itself - its purpose. 
Navajo maiden... Estsanatlehi, teach me to be more resourceful. Teach me to be more accepting of my constant growth. I know that everything that happens is a gentle nudge in the direction I should move, the loving hand guiding my sacred process of becoming. Nothing is ever against me, or intended for my harm. I know this. I know that I am not a victim, no matter how unsure, afraid, or hurt I feel. It's all for my highest good. I celebrate my self-rejuvenation! I appreciate you and all that you do to bless me.
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

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