
30 May 2022

Love Letter to Seshat

Beloved Goddess, 

I honor you and give thanks for all that you have taught us, and for the gifts of writing and the written word.

Divine Keeper of Records, remember us with a smile. She Who Writes the river of time, blessings unto you. She Who inscribes karma, and life itself, please make note of the depth of our love... and forgive our ignorance. Guide us in this life of trial and error: direct our hands and feet for good, our eyes, thoughts and words for beauty, peace and joy. Lift our vibration up high to meet yours. Let us mirror your kindness and grace. Let us embody your wisdom and learn to walk in truth and sacred purpose, as you do. Help me, and help us all to learn from the past that we can change our future, individually and as a whole. Let us create and manifest a collective new reality that inspires, delights and blesses us all -man, woman, child, as well as every living thing upon this earth. May we rise in collective conscious awareness and align with the Laws of Love. May we merge in unity with peace and harmony. 

May we remember who we are and begin living soulfully from a place of sacred honor, intuition, compassion, integrity, sovereignty, authenticity and unconditional love for ourselves and for one another. 

Seshet, you are so wise; having seen all - you understand everything. Teach us to use our free will wisely; to make choices that are healthy, uplifting, and meaningful. Guide us to make choices that are for the highest good of all. Help us to re-unite in the knowledge that we are One. Remind us that we are holy and loved beyond all measure. Show us the error of our false beliefs that we may let go of everything that needlessly divides and causes harm. Divert us from the path of destruction and free us from our karmic debt that we may emerge renewed, fully restored in the power of love and the glory of our original design. Embrace us as children in need of kind consideration. Teach us how to release the wounds and trauma that we carry as a whole and heal us on every level. Restore us to perfect well being that we may see one another as precious and worthy of all goodness, joy and blessings. Grant us a new beginning.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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