
24 May 2022

Love Letter to Po Ino Nogar

Beloved Goddess, 

Great One, brings sweet rain to the earth and to my soul. Shower me with your love and attention. I am feeling parched, and in need of your gentle company. I hope you'll come visit me and stay for weeks! 

Davata, sister of my heart, I need an extra dose of your growth-oriented energy. Seriously, Po Ino Nogar, I have so many projects that I want to take root, care for and grow to fruition, so I may abundantly share with others. Symbolically, I am plowing my inner fields by reviewing the tasks I wish to complete online. Gathering all the ideas and dream seeds that I have neglected, I hope that you, Goddess of the Harvest, will help me nurture them and create a more intimate sisterhood community.


Remember that dance you performed last year? The one about creating, destroying and rebuilding - the one in which you danced upon a rice carpet made of black, red and yellow rice and blond lentils? The music was so tribal and exotic  - erotic. I can still hear the tapping of your shoes (like thunder) and see the swirl of your long dark skirt in my minds eye! 

Sometimes, I even imagine creating my own ricecarpet and embodying you, the Sustainer of Life- as I dance my dreams into reality.

Often, I close my eyes and imagine you here. When I open them, I can almost see your face in the clouds! You're always smiling! I especially love it when soft rain falls like drops of pure light upon my face and body; and  your beautiful goddess energy fills me to overflowing! 

I adore you. 

Please come, soon!

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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