
08 May 2022

Love Letter to Tanat

Beloved Goddess, 

Spring Goddess of love, joy, unity and luck, I found the gift you left behind for me last spring! I can't believe I'm just now seeing it! You hid it well, and I am thrilled. As soon as I saw it I immediately knew it was from you!

How kind and generous you are! How lovely to awaken and find a pink and blue and yellow flowers growing in a triangle! 

It makes me want to dance and celebrate the wonder of magick and life and love1 I want to entice everyone I know to come out of their homes - the women dressed in floral summer dresses with ribbons in our hair, and the men in crisp white buttoned up shirts with silk ribbons tied on their sleeves and dance in the streets until the sun fades into starlight! I can just imagine us singing:

Liberate happiness in and around, 

by Tanat's blossoming power, 

our  harmony, unity and joy is found!

Beloved Mother, guide us to remember you - to join together as one people in true love for self, others and our earth. May we all be blessed and live abundant and long lives in health and prosperity for all.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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