
22 May 2022

Love Letter to Macha

Beloved Goddess,

O Mighty One with flaming red tresses, your potency clears away the barren land within my mind so that something fertile may grow and flourish. Ever vigilant, you protect me and guard my thoughts from evil, from harmful and invasive fears... from all threat with malevolent intent. With the sword of Truth, banish all that keeps me from success and victory. 

Like wild fire which is so outwardly destructive but necessary for clearing away underbrush and nourishing the soil, you show me that everything is simply a matter of perspective/contrast. Everything, ultimately and truly, is for the highest good of all (though I may or may not understand how or why, at the time).

Last night, I cried out to you in the darkness after waking from a disturbing dream. Black wings beat against my window pane with rapid insistence... the sound of breaking glass... the sense of being sightless, helpless and alone. But somehow, suddenly you were there with me, brushing the hair from my tear streaked face, speaking soothing words of calm, cool comfort, caressing my fevered and troubled thoughts until they all vanished, and I was able to drift back into a restful sleep.

Early this morning, just shortly after breakfast,  a murder of crows visited me. 

Were they sent by you? 

An omen! I decide, as I began counting them: 1, 2, 3, 4. They stared at me - with eyes bright and dark, as I quietly began repeating the nursery rhyme I learned as a little girl: 

One for sadness, two for mirth; three for health (marriage), four for wealth (birth); five for laughing, six for crying: Seven for sickness, eight for dying; nine for silver, ten for gold; eleven a secret that will never be told.

Their eyes revealed the wisdom of shadow and light, as well as the neutral space in-between. In a vision, I saw that this is where I am to live- in this space of trusting. In the truth of knowing that no matter what, all is well! 

In the shudder of a deep sigh and in the stillness of my own inner awareness, I knew: All is well when I stay focused on the direction I want to go. 

Shattering that timeless daydream- only a seemingly momentary lapse in time- the fluttering of black wings took flight and lifted my vision to a tall tree branch overhead. Then, back to the earth with the cawing of a crow walking clumsily in the grasses; who stopped at my feet suddenly very interested in something hidden from my view. Then, another loud caw! This time, as if in warning: 

Do not get tangled up in the paradox. We are here to help you clear the path of built up frustration, so you can re-center; so you can choose to re-enter your own heart space of Love. 

Then, I heard the whispering of your voice, speaking as if on the wind, so softly, I wondered if it was my imagination: You always have a choice! Choose love! Remember: it's the act of choosing that allows you to experience, for yourself, the process of uniting in harmony with the Divine Law of Love. Love is all that truly matters. It is woven into everything! Love is the quantum energy that comprises all: the Great Mystery- the Divine Feminine- the wholeness of being. There is never anything to fear my darling, as ultimately, no matter what happens, there is nothing larger or more powerful than the space of love which contains it. Love is the sacred chalice that holds everything. This is the Law of Crow: All discord eventually returns to harmony.  And, the ultimate truth of life is the Law of Love. 

Macha, there are so many scary things happening in the world- nightmarish rumors, heartbreaking tragedies, heavy and terrifying news. Though I am deeply rooted in Love, I struggle to keep my balance, sanity, inner peace, hope and gratitude. Before now, I never fully understood the purpose for contrast. No one ever explained that it is a gift! The precious and priceless gift of creative free will, of choice! I didn't realize that duality and contrast are the sacred perspectives which actually allow us all to reside in this 3rd dimension! Who knew it is the magick power of transformation? Of shifting this reality with our divine gift of soulful  creativity?! 

Thank you for granting me clarity today. Thank you for teaching me how to view contrast in a new way. Thank you for reminding me that I always have a choice! Love holds me, and I hold the power to manifest whatsoever I desire by simply being aware of my conscious and unconscious choices.  

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly


Whenever I am feeling afraid, confused frustrated, or unsure of what to do, I will follow your wise advice and make a list of my current experiences on one side of a piece of paper, and write out the opposite experiences for each one on the other side. This way, I can clearly see what my choices are! 

It seems so simple, now. I am so grateful for you and for the wisdom of crow medicine! I have never known a more effortless, practical and helpful application for making choices that align with what I truly desire. I will choose love in all situations. I can't wait to see how this choice changes everything! I'm especially excited to learn if this is the key to entering the 4th and 5th dimensions! ...I now see that this is where my visions and creations can live fully supported in love! How exciting this sacred journey is! Thank you for walking the path of beauty with me. 

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