
25 May 2022

Love Letter to Holy Spirit

Beloved Goddess, 

How brilliant, beautiful and pure is your feminine force! Yours is the voice of Love, Truth and Blessings. pray, to open my mind, body, heart and soul to your voice, to your glorious white light, to the holy essence and energy of love that communicates to my very depths. 

O! Gentle teacher, you instill Divine Laws that allow me to live and create and be in harmony with the celestial realms. You have taught me that change is sacred, that its wise ways are what keep me healthy; stagnation only occurs when I resist the sacred flow.   Holy Spirit, keep me ever in the flow of love. 

 Divine Mother, please pour your grace upon me. Help me to listen more closely, that I may always hear your divine spiritual missives, as your precious messages fill me with renewed compassion for myself and others. Your benevolent order and wisdom are the source of my well-being and a force for all positive change in my life. How I love to sit in meditation with you. 

Be with me always. 

Guide me on my sacred path of beauty. 

Gracious Goddess, early this morning, I warmed cream and stirred in a drizzle of honey to add to my cup of tea.  As I sipped its sweet warmth, I consciously imagined your holiest promises for my life internalizing within me to strengthen my soul purposes here on earth.  

Soon after, my heart felt as if doves flew free from a cage! My voice escaping from some unknown place of its own accord, with the most beautiful tone- the sound of angels speaking a language I do not recognize (Glossolalia? but, no...); it was like the voice of water filling my inner ears with joy! It was as if ancient secrets encoded in pure light rose from within me, up into the heavens- filling me with such hope, gladness and bliss, before spreading across the sky for all to hear.

May it be a blessing for us all.

Thank you!

-Yours devotedly

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