
23 May 2022

Love Letter to Bellona

Beloved Goddess, 

She Who kindles the fire of the sun, kindle the fire in my belly when I need to stand up for myself, when I must fight for what is right! Grant me sincere diplomacy and tactfulness when communicating with ignorant, mean spirited, immature, or wounded people. Allow my spirit of calm compassion and gentle strength help them meet me in a heart centered space of harmony that we may commune with love. Train me to speak my Truth with fearless and self-assured confidence. Guide me to handle any explosive situation with keen effectiveness to a peaceful conclusion. Teach me how to be strategic while dealing with uncomfortable situations and with those who are overly confrontational, argumentative or  combative  and hellbent to cause harm. 

Sister, you know how I have struggled with standing up for myself, using my voice, and  claiming my right to exist. I admire your fierce warrioress stance, your gallant passion and sacred intention when honoring Truth and protecting our right to live in Love and Light. 

Today, I call upon you to bless my symbolic pen (my laptop) and my symbolic sword (my tongue) in magickal ways. I  hold them up to your high standard, and ask of you:

Bellona, see these implements of magick, which as any, have two sides- for boon or bane. May only goodness flow through these tools, and may I ever remain aware of the responsibility for their use. 

So mote it be. 

Thank you for your dedicated devotion and patient attention in boosting my self-esteem, revealing my innate power every chance you can, and inspirationally empowering me to be authentic without regard for the opinion of others who do not approve or who criticize me. You have blessed me with your divine strength and courage. You are my shining example. I deeply respect and honor you, and everything you represent. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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