
18 May 2022

Love Letter to Boru Deak Parudjar


Beloved Goddess,
I love that you understand how I feel.... this uneasy discontent with life as I know it, with the lack of something solid to count on, and the want for something more. 
I received your message today, and I promise, I will take a leap of faith - I'll do something out of my comfort zone and be adventurous!
This morning, just as the sun began to rise, I awoke and while in poetic prayer, I thought of you and decided to make rice pudding. Yes, I followed the recipe you gave to me exactly! And, afterward, I went for a walk through the forest, and placed a few grains of rice in the indention my feet made in the almost dried mud, that your courage might guide my feet all this day. May I walk my path of beauty in the direction I most need to go. You are my shining example of what it means to be brave! What it means to take a chance and dare to follow the urgings of your spirit. 
Thank you. 
-Yours devotedly

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