
21 May 2022

Love Letter to Iambe

Beloved Goddess, 

You are so funny! I laugh every time I think of you and the conversations we've shared throughout the years! I love your honesty and ability to tell it like it is! Your blatant sexuality and fearlessness in breaking social norms and outmoded rules is something I have always admired!

It amuses me that your name means speech, especially since those immature boys began drawing on the bathroom walls depicting you as a yoni! How ironic is that! 

But, that's also how ugly rumors get started! Just like the man who was so unfamiliar with the anatomy of a woman, that he labeled our sacred flower, our temple: Vagina dentata -as if it had teeth, and might bite off or injure his little penis!

Every time I see that drawing of you, I laugh. Not at you, but at the power they've inadvertently given to you, to our lady bits! Your wit inspired Eve Ensler, no doubt, to write the Vagina Monologues! She's taken this picture of you to the nth degree and actually gives our vagina a voice!! It's hilarious and yet, so authentic! She said it became a kind of passion. Discovering the key, unlocking the vagina's mouth, unlocking its voice, its wild song!   . . .to speak of them out loud, to speak of their hunger and pain and loneliness and humor, to make them visible so that they can not be ravaged in the dark without great consequences.  She went on to say: Fighting violence against women means opening to the great power of women, the mystery of women, the heart of women, the wild unending sexuality and creativity of women-and not being afraid!

On behalf of all women, thank you, Iambe!

From the depths of my heart, I wish others knew you as I do, especially your poetic side... How deep and giving you are. How playful - joyful! You're always smiling. 

You'll be delighted to know, that change is happening! We are speaking! Women are talking about sex and our bodies! We are no longer blindly believing harmful myths. We're  exposing the secrets, the lies! We refuse to be shamed. We are brave and no longer ruled by fear! t

This is what is what's being written of you now on the walls of the girls locker room-

Iambe, your metered muse confounds,

yet, wherever it's spoken, magick abounds, 

full and fierce, potent and free;

and when I hear it I know 

that the magick is me!

I am so happy that some do know you! You've always made me feel this way!

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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