
14 May 2022

Love Letter to Dag


Beloved Goddess,
O bright beauty, shine your light on me. When I last wrote to you to tell you that my inner resources were lagging and to call upon you for assistance, I was delighted with how quickly you responded. Since then, I have been wearing more gold and have been sitting outdoors in the early morning light, lifting my skirt as you suggested, so that the sun could shine no my thighs. Amazingly, it worked! I'm not nearly as tired as I was feeling before. My energy levels seem to be rising daily. Even my fingernails have grown strong and long - is this somehow connected?

Darling Dag, I wish you were here. I'd love to go on a road trip with you. I love horses, and would ride if I could, but, for now, I bless and enjoy the horse power of a car! I've been going for rides in the country, enjoying the lush beauty of spring - the waterfalls and wildflowers... the sweet leaved trees that are quickly turning dark green and creating rich shade in preparation for the summers heat. 
As the days unfold, please guide me to delve in deeper to the energies of movement and change and help me to find meaningful ways to honor the sacred cycles of my life. 
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

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