
26 May 2022

Love Letter to Cordelia

Beloved Goddess, 

You've been slumbering for a long and restful season, Cordelia; and as promised, I'm sending a love letter as your wake up call. 

How glorious is your beauty, and radiant is your demeanor! I can almost see you nestled in the loving arms of the sweet earth, so richly fragrant- guarded by buried crystals and tree roots; tended by the faery spirits.  I wonder: Do the bears or foxes ever sleep with you? 

What magickal dreams did you entertain? What  new realities will you bring into being? Do the fly agaric mushrooms have their say in the order of things, there? 

The butterflies have arrived! I wish I could know what they so delicately whisper to the flowers. But, the flowers never tell their secrets. . . so, I may never know. 

In your honor, I wove together a garland of flowers and tossed it into the flowing river... Hopefully it will arrive at the same time as my letter - so you can wrap it about yourself in sacred adornment. I know how much you love flower blossoms! I do, too. Especially for you, I chose clusters of wild violets, magenta azaleas, green hydrangeas, daisies and orange milkweed blossoms... it turned out so pretty!

Please tell the faeries that their invited to come and spend the rest of spring with me... They'd love it here and I would love to see them again!

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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