
17 May 2022

Love Letter to Nejma


Beloved Goddess,
Upon waking from dreams, I recalled visiting you in d'El Maqta! I bathed in the sacredness of the motherly womb, and my spirit was made whole. I felt the strengthening of my body, my health revitalized, and a reassuring sense of divine protection. 
I also remember being told not to fight my nature tendency to stay up late, as this is what gives me courage...  Strangely, I awoke with an insistent craving for beets and carrots!

In your honor, Nejma, I am going to start walking first thing in the morning upon waking... and I will spend this day loving and caring for my body, mind and spirit. 
By opening the windows to let in fresh air, I felt my own spirit lift - my thoughts felt cleansed of negativity! By smudging with Palo Santo I felt the energies shift and the white smoke wrapped about me like a white light of protection. I know that you were here with me in spirit. 
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

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