
30 April 2022

Love Letter to Gefn


Beloved Goddess, 

Gracious Giver! You have blessed me with so much! The lushness of this place that I now call home is a daily gift... A feast for my eyes. The fertile, moist greening of everything about me refreshes my parched body and weary mind after decades of arid wind and dry earth of the purple mountains majesty. I feel the healing love of all your kind and generous blessings seep into every pore. A deeper sense of well-being fills me with gladness!

Gefn, I feel your goddess-centered magick as if it were a healing balm applied to the broken places in my psyche, the unhealed wounds of my broken heart, and all the hidden places only you know of that most need the attention of your spiritual salve. 
I truly appreciate the verdant pleasure that your presence offers to me, and my heart overflows with the fullness given.
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

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