
14 April 2022

Love Letter to Sri

Beloved Goddess,

I invoke your generosity of spirit, that wild abundance be mine to use in the creation and manifestation of my soul's vision. Not for selfish reasons, but that I may live the life my soul song longs for me to share with the women of this world.

I was given a sacred vision over thirty years ago. In vivid, intricate detail I was shown exactly what I am meant to do: Create a retreat center for women to come for healing, empowerment and transformation. 

Goddess, I am still trying to bring it into being. This is where you come in Sri... I need your assistance acquiring prosperity. Either cash funding, or property and buildings with the financial ability to furnish, advertise, flourish, maintain and keep it going. Please bless me in whatever way you deem necessary to make this dream come true. 

Goddess of fertile wealth, protection, insight and joy, please hear my prayer and grant it to me.

I awoke with a sole purpose this morning: to petition you. In preparation, I bathed in a holy ritualistic way to purify myself - mind, body and spirit; to prepare myself for receiving your boundless abundance. 

I see it as reality. I have been smiling brightly ever since, and wishing everyone I meet a 'Good day!'. 

To please you, I am wearing blue - a flowing raw silk skirt the colour of a glorious blue sky! I have adorned myself with blue topaz and turquoise so you will help me gather financial reserves and prolong my well-being.

In meditation, I envisioned an exquisite pink lotus blossoming in my heart. Such beauty it possessed! Its fragrance was so lovely it permeated the air throughout the room. 

Without reservation, I open my heart and accept the passionate warmth and creative energy of the entire sky/cosmos. I allow it to enter every cell of my body! My soul flower absorbs your magnificent light and love. 

I can see the gorgeous pink petals, delicate but strong, filling my heart space to overflowing. This image, I hold as a sign of what's to come.

Thank you!

-Yours devotedly 

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