
04 April 2022

Love Letter to the Camenae


Beloved Goddesses,
You have been so good to me. 

Because of you, I have been abundantly blessed. You have always known both my past and my future. And though I may not yet know all, you gave a promise to be with me every step of the way; you keep it well. You foretold the fates of my precious children, reassuring me that I could be free to love them without fear of loss. You tell my fortune in every dream, with each breath and beat of my heart. It was you who taught me the arts, and the beauty of the written word. For this, I am forever and deeply grateful. 
I honor and respect your integrity and the wisdom you share with me. It was your tender care and knowledge of midwifery that enabled me to bravely forgo the mainstream ways so that I could experience my own power and magick during natural childbirth. I still draw from that deep well of magick whenever I feel weak, weary or helpless in any situation. I return to that divine place within myself and remember in an instant, just how fully loved, connected, guided and protected I am. You allowed me to prove to myself just how skilled and capable I am to carry and give birth to life! And, to myself and my dreams... 
I have been given the wisdom, grace and patience required of a soul midwife. How blessed I have been to witness those beloved ones departing this realm and how honored I am to have been able to guide them in reuniting with their own spiritual essence and let go without fear, without struggle, without regret. In guiding their path, my own was make clear. Thus, my faith in the Camenae is boundless. 
Please honor me now, sisters, as I come to you with a humble petition. I ask that you enhance my own prophetic knowing of the Mysteries and reveal the fullness of the Sibylline oracles to me, that we all may bless during Megalesia and always. 
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

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