
11 April 2022

Love Letter to Fortuna


Beloved Goddess, 

She Who Brings luck, wealth and abundant blessings; Greetings. May this letter find you well and feeling deeply appreciated. You are! Thank you for always standing watch over me guiding my path to the good things in life. I am so grateful for your love and unwavering care and concern for my wellbeing. 

Throughout the year, you provide me with the opportunities and situations that allow my needs to be met. Even when I do not know how, you do! Your careful attention to detail and your unending kindness keeps me ever faithful and trusting; I know all is well, that I am loved, that my needs will be met. Abundantly beyond my fearful uncertainty. 

Fortuna, I am deeply grateful. I come to you with a special request this month; please steer the wheel of fate in the direction that will enable me to support myself in a new way. I am weary of struggle and waiting until the 11th hour. Please grant me mercy and grace and allow a windfall of prosperity to be gifted to me. I want my belongings with me, as they are so far away in storage, and I wish them to be seen and honored and useful in my daily life. And, I seek a home of my own. Please make it so. Please create the path that will lead me to a home of my own, where my dear possessions and kitty and I can safely dwell without fear of lack, without having to move again. Grant me a steady income that I can count on and have my needs and desires fulfilled. I trust that you can make it so!

Thank you!

-Yours devotedly

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