
15 April 2022

Love Letter to Asase Yaa


Beloved Goddess, 

Old Woman Earth, I adore you. Grandmother, my heart and mind and body long to live close to your body. I long to grow rooted to your wisdom and harvest the gifts of flesh and spirit that you long to give to me. Thank you for nourishing me, holding and nurturing me the way you always have. I am so comforted by your gentleness, inspired by your strength and power. 

Please motivate even more truth and virtue into my being that I may help the next seven generations remember who they are -know how they are to live upon your sacred body.

Guide me Mother, that I may dwell in peace and harmony with you all the days of my life. Teach me the ancients ways of wisdom that I may be a blessing to others.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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