
13 April 2022

Love Letter to Tou Mou

Beloved Goddess, 

Glowing one, keeper of karmic records, thank you for watching over me and blessing me with good luck and holy cleansing. 

Is it you who has bestowed upon me the love of books, of quills and writing brushes... the love of writing, and learning the secret language of the divine feminine? 

Look what was tucked away in a carved wooden box:

Will you please teach me Nüshu? Our ancient, secret language for women only is almost lost and forgotten

Goddess, please remind me of what the delicate symbols that fall down the length of paper like leaves of a weeping willow mean . . . 

I think I know, but like a dream upon waking, the memory fades away before I can grasp it. 

Speaking of dreams... Are you the one I hear singing the women's songs Nüge? How these haunting melodies weave throughout my dreams- awakening something meaningful I once knew by heart. 

You who dwells in the sky, Goddess of higher wisdom and karma, bring enlightenment that my path of beauty may be walked with purity of intent and love. Help me to remember than all acts of love free me of karmic debt. Help me to keep my thoughts in alignment with my true hearts wisdom and my souls source and connection. 

Let your bright light shine on the darkness - wherever it may hide within me. Let whatever is found there, be seen and healed - loved and held - embraced and forgiven. Let the purity of your love bathe away iniquity and shame. Let the fullness of your compassion wash away all fear. Let the goodness of your power clean all that would defile, diminish, or deny my divine oneness with life and love. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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