
08 April 2022

Love Letter to Blodeuwedd


Beloved Goddess,
May you remind us all that beauty is only skin deep, that true beauty is found in ones words, thoughts and actions. By your loving grace, please remind us that relationships are fragile. Everyone we know and love has been wounded or hurt in some way and need our kind consideration. Help us to honor ourselves and one another in respectful and compassionate ways. Help us to see with inner vision and overcome the blindness of surface sight. Help us to be kind and helpful in whatever ways we can, as we may be blessing unaware. 
Darling one, I find such comfort and deep soul care in your presence. Your quiet, gentle and unassuming ways allow me to rest in the knowing that all is well... and ultimately trust that we are loved and beyond words precious. Like a breath of fresh air, you encircle us with hope and a promise of beauty.
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

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