
21 April 2022

Love Letter to Tauropolos

Beloved Goddess,

How lovely you are! Your beauty and strength are gifts: A tangible inspiration and a powerful force! I feel such deep admiration and appreciation for you. Your soulfulness and sweetness shine bright through your eyes. Your gentleness of spirit offers deep compassion. I know you care for me, as I do you!

How I long for quiet time with you; reviewing the progress we've made, the unfolding of our days spent apart, and the plans we have for our future. 

The grasses are so lush and green. . . I can't wait to throw down a big blanket under a big, old shade tree and lounge an afternoon away with you - reading, napping, eating and drinking lovely things and just being together again... We've so much to share!

Please, my beloved Tauropolos, prepare the fields for my success, and help me do my best in everything I put my hand and mind to, as I have much I need to accomplish. You know just how open I am to experiencing victory in all my endeavors. I'm ready to seize the bull by the horns! 

Lady Bull, be my strength. Empower me to make the most of every day. I have so many goals I want to reach. During this season of bounty and grace, direct my sacred path of beauty. Reveal the stars that are set to guide me. Steer me in the right direction that I may come to a place of rest and completion; that I may cease striving, and begin to fully live and enjoy the way of life that I envision for myself. You alone know how much I desire to share with others.  

Help me stomp out all bad habits that hinder me from staying focused and loving myself with tender mercy. Keep me  steady and strong on my path, until we meet again.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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