
17 April 2022

Love Letter to the Gratiae


Beloved Goddesses, 
You've arrived! 

Did you see the pure white field of daisies on your way into town? They just burst into bloom this week!

I'm so excited to see you later today! How lovely it will be to sip a glass of wine together over dinner and remanence about the beauty and excellence of our last endeavors. And make new plans! I haven't even seen your beautiful faces yet, and already I'm so inspired to get creative!! I have much to share with you, three! 

What fun this visit will be... Aglaea, I can't wait to hear all about the romantic movies you've seen!  And, you know how I look forward to your imaginative descriptions of the latest dances and your scintillating reviews of the world of theatre, Thalia. And, darling Euphrosyne you always share the most sublime news about The Arts!! Please come prepared to tell all! 

I've gathered some women that are interested in taking part in our upcoming play. Truly this theatric endeavor is so luscious that my ideas are spreading like wild fire! Wait until you see the silks I found for the costumes! Ooh1 I forgot to tell you!! We were given a stage full of props that are so exquisite, and absolutely perfect for this productions theme! Remember to bring the script so we can discuss it in more depth.

Secretly, I'm counting on you to bring that sweet smelling perfume you mentioned so nonchalantly. How you tease me! If I know you as well as I think I do, it'll be an aroma-therapeutic supplication intended to attract only the most desirable potential lovers! 
(Thank you!)
-Yours devotedly

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