
02 April 2022

Love Letter to Rinda

Beloved Goddess,
I laughed with pure delight when I saw this poster. Are you sure you didn't model for it?! It's a perfect likeness of you! But, only in looks. Though you always win, as a strong and positive force for change- you are gentle. 
I am constantly inspired by you, Rinda! You teach divine submission by example, which is so helpful as in the past, I held on stubbornly to old, outdated ways of being and seeing. Yet, I've been able to let go of old habits, thoughts and possessions more easily ever since you reminded me that: The sacred act of surrender isn't a weakness; rather it is a necessary part of gracefully accept personal transformation. 
I hope that you will continue to inspire me, and help me find ways to let go of what was and what no longer serves the changes I am preparing to receive. 
With your blessings, I'm ready to release the idea of aging - and all the fears related to it; as well as all sad or negative thoughts and all limitations that keep me from my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual growth and rebirth. I'm open up in new ways, and I am truly ready to welcome and bring into my life all that I long to be and do. 
Help me to see from a higher perspective. 
Help me feel safe taking up space. 
Help me to give birth to my soul self, that I may finally begin to manifest and live the life as I dream of. 
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

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