
03 April 2022

Love Letter to Asherah


Beloved Goddess,

Mother of All Wisdom, teach me to remember. Teach me to awaken to the inner voice of holy wisdom that dwells within my heart. 

Proprietress  of Universal Law, show me the way to walk and talk with integrity and calm confidence. Remind me of who I am when I forget.

While on my morning walk, I found a little piece of wood in the shape of a goddess; I picked it up and asked the wild forest if I could please take it. Without a sign of objection I carried it home with me. 

After taking a shower and anointing my body with lavender and frankincense, I slipped into my white lace wrap and unrolled my yoga mat before lying upon it. Eyes closed, I placed the little wooden goddess over my third eye. Silently, I called to you, Asherah. Soon after, a brilliant violet light began to pour into my third eye chakra and spread through my body. I lay there bathing in your presence for a long while. 

Empowered, I claimed: 

Abide in me holy wisdom, that I may be made aware; that I may have access to all wisdom in every needed moment. 

I felt you enter my heart and filled it with a bright light. The cool warmth of it radiated from within me and filled the room with a sweet glow. From every pore light seeped out and covered my body in a honey like aura. Soft hues of pure light - white, gold and pale violet shone brightly. It was so beautiful. I am blessed by your love and wisdom.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly 

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