
06 April 2022

Love Letter to Sequana


Beloved Goddess, 

How joyful is your gift to humanity. Today, I painted a little boat to resemble a duck, and before placing it in the creek behind my house I lit a little candle and set it inside. My prayer for humanity and mother earth along with a secret wish were made as I offered it to the waters. Watching it drift away with the gently flowing water brought both tears and laughter. My heart is full to overflowing. 

Thank you for restoring hope, and revitalizing my faith in myself, humanity, and the infinite possibilities and prevailing power of love and goodness. May we all be blessed with love and abundance. May we all remember that we are one tribe on this planet and that the waters, the air, and each other are our greatest treasures. 
Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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