
01 April 2022

Love Letter to Laufey

Beloved Goddess,
Just a little note to let you know that I'm so excited about your visit, today! What fun it will be watching old movies and spending time together -laughing and sharing ideas like we always do.
Wait until you see what fresh and beautiful things I've prepared for our Al Fresco lunch! (We can go on a picnic if you want)And, you will be delighted to know that I remembered your favorite dessert!! We can 'ooh and ahh' over it while making new plans for April.

While talking with Aphrodite the other night about your upcoming visit, she said your name means 'wooded isle'! Who knew?! Yet, that's so fitting, as you always want to spend as much time as possible wandering through the forest when you come, and like me, you love water (we practically live in the bathtub, don't we?)! Why don't we go to the bath house while you're here? My body will love a good soak in the hot springs...

Your visit couldn't be more timely, Laufey, as the energy is high-charged and I'm feeling it intensely! It's as if every thing has become an omen saying: 'Open to the possibilities"... My inner child is craving a happy, lighter vibe; and I truly need some magickal, sensual and creative new changes in my life. Something playful and sexy, please! Honestly, I should have said some one... (I just envisioned your brow lifting in question - ha!) We'll discuss that when you arrive! (Though I'm sure it won't be a surprise to hear me give voice to my dreams and secret longings... I love how we can confide in one another).
I'm finally opening up. I am seriously ready to entertain the idea of a mutually pleasurable and harmonious relationship with a big, tall, sweetheart of a man. I'm actually fantasizing about meeting my true love... Can I please have a combination best friend - tantra lover - life mate?
Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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