
10 April 2022

Love Letter to Poluknalai


Beloved Goddess, 

Though I have not, yet, been given the pleasure of meeting you, I have seen you from afar. I have been told that you, Lady of the Beasts, are Creatrix and protector of all the animals. 

Whenever I ask others about you, they confess they do not know you. It took a lifetime to learn your name! Whenever I gather enough courage to introduce myself, I find you surrounded by wild creatures. I always remain half hidden behind an ancient tree, waiting for an opportunity to find you alone; but it never comes. You are so beloved. 

I've seen the way the bears lay their head against your back, the way the birds nest in your hair, the fox and deer and snake curl up at your feet. I marvel at the way the wild ones seem so tame and gentle in your presence. Yet, I am still apprehensive, and do not approach you....

Just this morning, as the sun was rising, I was sitting in prayerful meditation at the edge of the stream, when I heard a soft rustling sound. I looked up in time to see many beautiful creatures heading in the same direction. Then I noticed you! Sitting quietly, naked, and divinely serene. The animals were making their way to you!

You were sitting on the other side of the water, slightly nestled against the large oak and the hill bank of sweet grasses. There, you sat upon a smooth stone, as if an altar, surrounded by a lovely gathering of animals. All quietly attending to you, as if in prayer, themselves. 

I started to say 'Good morning' but it somehow seemed disrespectful, and I didn't want to frighten the animals. So I sat in awe, watching you and hearing the half song and half humming sound you were making. What language was that? I could have sat there all day, but suddenly, the wind picked up and thunder crashed; loud! Startled by the unexpectedness of the sound, I leapt to my feet and ran indoors. When I looked out the window, you were no longer there... Where did you go?

Poluknalai, you are so lovely. I feel as if I know you already... There is something very familiar about you, and I, too, long to sit near you and can imagine how lovely it would be to lay my head in your lap or against your heavy breasts.. listening to your voice, your breath, your heartbeat.
Often, I have witnessed the way you are ever watchful over animals and nature, and it fills my heart with love and gratitude. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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