
19 April 2022

Love Letter to Rangda


Beloved Goddess,

I am pregnant with dreams. My belly is big and heavy, seeking release, satisfaction. Since the conception of my dream seeds, you have been with me. Scaring away anyone who would try to dissuade me, destroy or diminish the fruition of this magick that resides within me.  Be with me now, and help me give birth - I'm long over due!

Rangda, such things people say! How they love to demonize a woman for her power. . . Let them call us witch! Let them be afraid. I am not. I am as sweet and fertile as the earth. I am wild and untamable - unwilling to conform. 

Today, in your honor, I am wearing a long silk sarong that I dyed golden with saffron. It's wrapped about my body several times, and tied at my breasts. I brought fruit (grapes, plum and pomegranate) and flowers (yellow and bright pink hibiscus) to the sacred hidden grotto in the woods, and laid them on the altar - a gift for you. There, before you and all of nature, my prayer was spoken; unspoken.

A prayer for fruitful productivity in every area of my life that needs it most. A prayer to remove the masks, to see beyond the terrifying aspects, to reveal my authentic soul essence. 

Fulfill my desire for successful living. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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