
16 April 2022

Love Letter to Pomona


Beloved Goddess, 

My soul. 
Sister, mine. 
How alike we are. 

We both are in love with nature - and flowers, especially. . . Though we've been out daily taking in the beauty, grounding with the earth mother, resting, and enjoying simple pleasures - we also have spent too much time indoors; sitting around (yes, we're busy in our minds, writing, planning, creating) but we would both benefit from inspiring one another daily to go for a long walk! We know this is what gives us our physical and spiritual sustenance, so let do it.

I an wearing a floral circlet in my hair today. I smiled earlier, when it occurred to me that you most likely are, too. 

Truly, I had plans to walk the woodland gardens today, but it's been raining since last evening. The softness of the soil is so lovely- I want to walk barefooted planting countless flower seeds! 
The hanging baskets are spilling over their pots; their blossoms are so profuse. They look so pretty. I wish you could see the big bumblebees that have been visiting their golden centers. Bumbles are so fat and happy it makes me smile just remembering them buzzing sweetly about. A yellow swallow-tailed butterfly came and stayed for a long late morning visit last week!

How dearly I miss you, Pomona. And, sharing sacred space with you... 
Please bring a basket of your crisp red apples when you come, and I'll bake an apple dumpling (I remember - it's your favorite).
Come soon!
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

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