
26 April 2022

Love Letter to Mawu


Beloved Goddess, 

How lovely are your gifts of passion, creativity and inspiration! I receive them with abundant gratitude!

How mysterious and wondrous are your Universal Laws and Abundant Births! I honor them and rejoice!

Mother, I saw you ride in on the back of an elephant today! How beautiful and regal you are! Thank you for arriving when I need you most!

I love you, Mawu, and delight in the life-giving energies of love making. Please send a true love to me. A man who will match me on many levels, one who will enhance my life, enrich my joy, and share my passion. Bring to me a man who will respect and celebrate the Divine Feminine within me- one who will honor the dark, unknowable, magickal and sultry aspects hidden within me, too. Send me the man I've dreamed of, the one meant especially for me!

Queen, teach me how to be as fertile and sovereign as you. Allow me to embody your soulfulness. Adorn me with your wild woman essence that I may be Queen of my own life. Authentic and divine in every way. A woman who will be worthy of a man such as this.

Mother Mawu make me whole,

Help me obtain my sacred goal.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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