
23 April 2022

Love Letter to Sif

Beloved Goddess, 

I feel a kinship deep and true with you, my darling Sif. I always have, my golden haired delight! 

How alike we are in spirit! And, what passionate wenches, are we! Such fun we have, together, and all the memories.. I've been so day-dreamy, lately. Missing your company. Sharing our mutual love for the arts; our adoration for the earth...

Because of this sunny day with its slightly cool breeze, because of the way you and I are- our natural enjoyment for making love beneath the stars on a warm summers night with our latest lover... I am reminded of the days last summer that we spent together! I loved the ease with which we created beauty. The sacred flow of that entire week; sharing our hearts and deepest desires with one another the way soul sisters are want to do... Lounging on the porch bed after a swim in the pond; spreading out layers of crisp, clean layers of floral sheets and soft linen tapestries to lie upon... Remember how comfortable it was resting against all those huge Euro pillows that smelled of fresh lavender, tansy and sage? The way she floral shadows of that handmade crocheted canopy fell across our sun-kissed skin? Ooh! That was a beautiful day... I can still smell the lilacs and hyacinth! It felt so good to nap together listening to the sound of buzzing bees, the breeze through the leaves of the trees, the rush of the water over the rocks in the creek. Pure bliss!

I bought some blue butterfly sweet pea tea that I can't wait to share with you! You're going to love it! It's absolutely magickal!

Earlier today, I wrapped several small gifts in a the most exquisite gold leaf tissue paper; what a shimmering sight to behold! I hope you'll be able to join me for the afternoon gathering that I'm hosting for the women in my fire dance circle, this weekend. I'm making all sorts of delicious things to eat, and a big bowl of mango, white rose and pineapple summer punch, with star anise seed blossoms & calendula petaled ice cubes, for garnish! They turned out so pretty. . .

If you come, will you please lead us in the unity ceremony? 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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