
31 March 2022

Love Letter to Luna

Beloved Goddess,

Your power is great: unseen force that moves within my body and the body of water on Gaia. Your power is not the power of the masculine, but the power of the feminine. Not power over, but power to change; to hold and let go. Power to live and dream. Power to rise and fall like holy breath. Power to become what we were born to be. How wonderous is your energy! 

Thank you for shining light into the dark recesses of my consciousness. By doing so, new aspects of myself are regularly revealed, my awareness is more nuanced, hidden mysteries are unveiled, and my path of beauty is illuminated from within! 

This month began with a fierceness, teeth sharp and fate uncertain, but it is ending with such gentleness it feels so good to my psyche; healing and restoring my sense of hope.

She Who Changes, please continue to show me the way to be in harmony with my sacred cycles. Now that I no longer bleed, teach me to look within and find my inner flow with the sacred spiral dance. Reveal all ancient wisdom buried in my bones, in my body. Please guide me to listen and discover the unique pattern of my eleven moon centers. 

Grant me the wisdom and the creative instinct to trust my inner voice of knowing. Allow my innate inner guidance to shine light on my dark shadows, that I may reclaim my unknown aspects so they may be holistically reunited with my authentic self. 

During the next few days, as the moon wanes, growing ever darker until the new moon, show me where to look within to find the blockages to my progress and the detours to my purpose and empowerment. Help me to look at my self without fear, shame, guilt or denial. Help me to see and acknowledge all that is undesired and hidden within me so I may love it unconditionally, set it free, transform it, or simply bless it and let it be- allowing it time and space needed to grow and become what is meant to be.

Luna, Goddess of Emotions, Mistress of my Dreams, Queen of the Night, You Above - Always watching over me - I offer blessings and gratitude for your wisdom and sacred cycle. 

Thank you for being a constant in my life... Thank you for teaching me that change is the only way I can embrace growth and self-awareness. 

Thank you for being my wise grandmother, always gentle and full of magick. 

Your bright light as well as your darkness has taught me to be brave, has kept me living in harmony with my own inner ebb and flow, and has allowed me to release and manifest over and over again, recreating my self and the life I want to live in a myriad of ways. 

Lady Luna, your great beauty and steady grace is a shining example of the power of being woman. Following your lead, I have found comfort within when I needed protection and silence, and have been gently encouraged to shine my own light sharing what I've been taught; I honor the sacred mysteries. You are my dearly beloved, and I adore you!

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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