
26 March 2022

Love Letter to Leshachikha

Beloved Goddess,

While walking this morning, I felt your presence all around me. Were you the leaf that fell from high above and brushed the length of hair before falling at my feet? I hid it soft and green between my breasts, just in case, to keep your protective energy with me the whole day through. 

Or were you the deer that looked up while grazing as I approached? Perhaps, you were the forest itself as I felt you everywhere, with every step I took. 

So, with every step I sang to you. 

Oh Leshachikha, Ooh, gentle Lady of the Forest, O Fairy Mother- birth me again and again and again- that I may ever be close to your heart. May I ever be... close to love, to nature, to Thee.

Thank you, fair lady, for being a guardian spirit keeping me safe as I wander far from home. You have a dwelling place within my heart, always. 

Some say you are yet still sleeping... If this is true, I scattered handfuls of wildflower seeds in the big open field near the waterfall, so flower blossoms will greet you all along the path on your way to visit me. 

Sweet Goddess, I will happily prepare a place for you to visit. A fairy grove with a secret entrance into the trunk of a strong old tree is ready for you to move in... Soft sweet moss lays everywhere upon the earth, there, and little lantern shaped flowers of the brightest yellow, and tiny wild orchid like flowers in the most vibrant lilac hue spill across the earth in green patches. The birds love it there, as do I. 

Please. Where did you hide the winter seeds? I thought we would use them to make a loaf of bread. Let me know, and we can eat some fresh from the oven with homemade grape jam and sweet clotted cream.

A little bird just came and interrupted my writing - she told me that you left a small gift for me beneath the pear tree - I immediately ran to find it in full white bloom! When, only yesterday, it was not!! What a magickal surprise. So beautiful... and as I looked around, I saw that they were all in bloom! Magnificent! Spring has officially arrived. Ooh! And, what a sweet, little holey stone, you've left for me. How ever was it fashioned that the hole is in the shape of a heart?! I absolutely love it - and you!

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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