
10 March 2022

Love Letter to Hera

Beloved Goddess,

Have you forgotten me? I have been celibate for over seven years, Hera, as you instructed, waiting for my true love to find me. Does he not exist? Or, was it just a way for you to get me to focus on my own self and be my own true love? Or, is it because I'm now too old, and have missed my long hoped for fate?

I know!

You've told me many times that true love is hard to find... that love between a man and a woman isn't all it's dreamed of to be. 

I remember... You told me of Zeus (aka Jupiter) and how he broke your heart more often than not... But still - you loved him. And, he loved you, you said, despite his unfaithful lust for other conquests.

(Hera, how can that be true love? I'm still not sure why you endured his heart-breaking ways that only led to aggravation! But even still... I want a man of my own. One different than the rest - better than the ones I've loved before. Someone true and deep and poetic. Someone big, and tall, and strong and wise and playful... Someone sensual, and kind and loves to garden and make things.... And ooh!!! someone with a million aspects, just like me; someone perfect just for me. I know just what you're going to say... 

Okay. I'll keep waiting.

In your honor, I have bathed my body in the oil of myrrh and washed my hair with rose water. I planted seeds so that bright red poppies will grow and bloom this summer in the garden along side of the stream; where the daffodils are growing sweet and yellow in little clumps beneath the tall oak trees. 

Secretly, I hope that by the time they show their pretty scarlet petals, my love will show his strong and handsome face to me... and when our eyes meet, may we both remember that our souls are one - only slumbered this long life time waiting for each other. And, rejoice that we at long last have found the other, and happy we will grow our love strong and true to last a hundred other lifetimes, too.

Grant me my hearts desire, dear Hera and I will build an altar for you in the wild oak grove. And even when I am very old, I will visit you there and leave offerings of love as a gift of gratitude for the love you give to me.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly


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