
04 March 2022

Love Letter to Kishi Mujin

Beloved Goddess, 
Greetings, Compassionate Lady, and blessings to you... 

Mother, thank you for wrapping me in your gentle embrace when last we met. I can feel the warmth and safety of your love and protection embracing me, still. 
You wisely instructed me to be mindful and to  diligently practice bringing myself and my life into balance, and so I have. Where there was deep sorrow I now feel inner peace; where there was too much busy-ness, I now honor my need for rest, and even at times, do nothing.

Today, in honor of the Japanese custom, I did a thorough spring cleaning and washed the floors, baseboards, countertops, walls and doors with a natural cleanser I made with pine needles. My home not only smells clean, all heavy, and any ill-intentioned energies have departed. 
To further bring in your blessings, I bundled a small gathering of pine needles and tied them with a thin red silk cord, which I then dipped the sweet little pine-needle brush in holy water and sprinkled it on the thresholds of both front and back doors, banishing any evil energies from lingering near by or entering my home. Then, upon the altar, I burned pine incense and the smoke wafted slowly down the hall and out the open window in the bathroom. It was a sight to behold! 
And, as I prayed before the altar, I sprinkled the holy water with the same little pine-needle brush to clear my aura while reciting these protective words you taught to me: 

Away all negativity, darkness flee!
Kishi Mujin's light dwells within me!
While I meditated, the fragrance of pine seemed to clear my thoughts, and allowed me to enter into a still, quiet place deep within... It was sublime to commune with you in the space of being-ness and nothingness. Afterward, I felt lighter and brighter; and my home still feels alive with new energy. 
I owe this blessing to you!
Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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