
27 March 2022

Love Letter to Nut


Beloved Goddess,

O star spangled Queen of the Night, you stretch your beautiful body across the sky to protect and shelter me as I sleep. 

As I dream you watch over me... lifting me into the other realms where the sweetest dreams are made and come true.

Last night, I dreamt I visited you- so high in the starless night I became afraid, until you found me and wrapped me in your arms and held me close to your milky breasts. Nestled there in the milky way of my mothers love, I felt at home - the heart of home that I cannot recall knowing before. Is this is the sacred place I have long dreamed of? Somehow knowing it and longing for it even without remembering where it was, or that you were my Mistress.

Nuit, Goddess some name Nut, how I love you and find great comfort knowing you watch over us all so faithfully, so lovingly. Divine Mother, how you bless us, and give us sweet rest when the day is done. How you create a soothing space for lovers to meet and bask in the love of one another. 

The gentle winds that blow all night long sing lullabies to babies, young and old. How sweet your song- as it lulls us into the land of Nod, as it carries us across the starry sea, the great divide between the tangible and luminal worlds. Somewhere far, far away from where we dance and eat and work and weep you bring us home. How kind and gracious are your blessings of healing and good health. 

Sometimes, when it's dark and all the world is quiet; and everyone is fast asleep in their bed, I awaken at 3am -the hour of blessings- and smell the soft, earthy fragrance of musk and honey....
Then, when morning rises bright in the sky and you have drifted far away, I blink and find my eyes full of stardust. Closing my eyes I seek to find you with me once again.... but find only the memories of dreams that you have given me. For this I am thankful. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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