
23 March 2022

Love Letter to Marzenna

Beloved Goddess,

Just as you oversee the earths transition from death to rebirth - please oversee mine. I am open wide for transformation - rebirth. 

I am in need of a beautiful change, one in which I move my body in joyful ways, one in which I belly dance and sing and grow lush gardens of flowers, berries and vegetables. One in which I not only write, but I paint and create, bathe and moon dance, make love and kiss the morning before the sun rises. One in which I publish my books and nap on a porch swinging bed, prepare feasts for my tribe to be eaten al fresco under the big old oak tree, and gather with moon sisters in the dark of the night. One in which I live by honoring each season as it begins and celebrate letting go as much as I do letting in. One in which I share wisdom with girls and young women, and make magick in the woods, near wild water, and in every area of my home. One in which I have my true love - a mystic of a man - a giant, strong enough to hold the hugeness of my soul, loving enough to ignite my inner flame so it burns bright for a hundred thousand lifetimes.

Marzenna, Goddess of Change, and Growth and Sacred Cycles, come, be with me, help me become the juiciest, healthiest, most beautiful and enchanting version of me that I can be. Help me to remember that we have known one another before this world was born. Help me to embody the divine feminine in the best ways possible for my soul mission here on earth.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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