
22 March 2022

Love Letter to Butterfly Maiden


Beloved Goddess,
Hopi maiden, remind me of the ecstasy of being free - the magick and mystery of allowing my own transformation to open me to new ways of living and being in this world - so that my life becomes a flower!
Show me how to be balanced in body, mind, heart and soul. Show me how to rebirth myself into my most authentic expression. 

Butterfly Maiden, every year I seek your wise counsel, and every year you find a way to grace my life. How beautiful and pure is your spirit. How sweet and kind to me, you always are. May the day come when I am free to travel this wild land with you- what fun we'll have just being carefree and happy, together. 

Sometime, soon, my beloved soul sister is packing up her home and moving closer to me. I am so excited... Please let her find a home that is in nature, near a creek, waterfall or stream- a place with wild and fruitful lushness; a land that has plenty of space, a huge sprawling house and perhaps a little cottage ideal for me to call home, too. I dream of gardens, of sacred space, of room for retreats and gatherings of all sorts. I dream of being the fullest expression of my divine essence. Please show me the way.
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

p s
I've enclosed a small token of my love for you. 

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