
02 March 2022

Love Letter to Semele


Beloved Goddess,

Why must each young woman learn these difficult lessons on our own? Why do not the wise women share their trials so we may learn by their errors? If only you would have come to me when I was sixteen, and told me what would happen were I not more self-aware. But no... I, too, had to learn for myself what it is to be young and deeply in love with a man larger than life. I know how glorious it feels to surrender to his will, to be wanted and adored, to be held, and loved, and possessed by his beauty, strength, power, knowledge and raw sex appeal. But, also what it is to be burned; utterly destroyed by his true nature. To have your child ripped from your lifeless body! And, to die to all you know of love and life; left without a choice... to dwell in the underworld....

Ooh! I know why we give our self to him - mind, body and soul- willing to do anything to please him; but also how foolish is it to be involved with a married man in the first place! How naïve and stupid a young woman can be- And, how easily deceived by the woman who knows your man more than you. How that woman, his wife, suffers greatly and is tormented by his selfishness and heartless neglect. How she can become callous and jealous in her want for justice, in her vain attempt to reclaim him, and his love and attention. 

Like you, I have learned, how the life altering blessing and the love of a child can be far more precious than the love of a man; and often the saving grace we need in life after much sorrow or torment. Semele, mortal woman- flesh and bones like me and any other woman... You became Goddess! Please share the wisdom you gained after heart-ache, after a journey to hell and back. Reveal the path of joy, playfulness and pleasure that can take its place. Show me how to ground myself in the good earth - and how to be true to myself. Show me how to manifest true love in my life; I've waited for so very long...

As if in a dream, I heard you say: 

Sit with me on the cool, sweet earth. 

Slip off your shoes and place your feet on the soil.... Can you feel the magick stirring beneath the surface? Can you imagine yourself rooted as strong as a tree? Can you imagine yourself blossoming as wildly as a meadow of flowers in Spring? 

This is the gift I give to you: Come here, often. Listen to your own inner wisdom. Be open to joy. You are your own true love. You are a Goddess! Never give yourself away for the love of any man. Be true to your own self... Love yourself fiercely! A man worthy of you will be drawn to your strength, your laughter, your wisdom and your inner beauty.


Wait. He will come. 

Ooh, Semele. Goddess of the land. I felt your energy beneath my feet, rising up through my legs, up though my spine, opening my heart wider than ever before, shooting from my fingertips and out my third eye. A deep sense of renewed life stirred wildly within me! It  felt as though pure love merged with my blood and filled me with a bright, white, lightness! I sat there, in bliss for hours, in awe of your gift. 

Later, when I returned home, still trembling with a sensation of having floated all the way- I place flower seeds upon the altar, for your blessings. As soon as spring arrives I will plant them in the garden and watch my dreams come true. I know that as I witness each flower grows and bloom I won't have much longer to wait. Like a honey bee drawn to the fragrant opening petals, my man will find me. 

I drink a toast of sweet red wine in your honor and in deep gratitude and appreciation for all you've shared - for the gifts you've given.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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