
08 March 2022

Love Letter to Hu Tu


Beloved Goddess,

On the dawn of this early spring morning - I listened to the rustling of the leaves in the trees and the soft twitter of birdsong and thought of you....

Empress Earth - all that has transpired in the realm of ecology, nature, earth- the whole of this planet... and tears streams down my cheeks. How beautiful you are - how luscious, rich and sensual. The pure magick and mystery of your being is exquisite beyond compare and yet, how many turn their eyes away, ignore, ravish, defile, pollute and destroy you without a thought, a care, or moments hesitation. 

And, still you are here, holding holy space for us, breathing into our lungs, sheltering our bodies, giving so freely of yourself to nurture, comfort, nourish and sustain us all - the good and the evil. 

My heart swells with love for you - for all you represent; for all you are in your holiness; for all you do and endure for the love of us all.

Mother - please forgive us. Forgive us our deaf, blind and shameful neglect, disregard, greed, and selfish ways that bring you harm. Ooh holy of holy ones... forgive us for bringing you deep sorrow and pain when you deserve only the highest praise, the lowest bows and the most sincere worship and awe. 

Today is your birthday, and few will notice. Few will walk upon your precious body and feel the sacredness beneath their feet. Few will eat from your garden and rejoice in the great abundance. Few will drink from your waters and acknowledge the gift of life. Few will bow their head in prayer and silently beg your forgiveness for trespassing against you, nor dance with thanksgiving for your continual grace, fertility, care and providence. 
Happy Birthday beloved Mother. In your honor, every day, I will walk, and eat, and drink, and dance, and pray for us all. I will kneel and kiss the earth beneath my feet. In humbleness, and with the deepest gratitude and compassion for you and for all you give unconditionally give and do to hold and support us. For all that you are, far beyond our knowing. You deserve more than I can ever give in return, more than I can ever repay, more than I can ever consciously have words to say...

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly 

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