
30 March 2022

Love Letter to Ahurani


Beloved Goddess,

I woke in the wee hours of morning before the sun. Laying in bed, in the dark, thinking of you- of your many graces... and the way that you silently demonstrate goodness. How lovely you are! And, how generous and kind.
As I prayed and meditated I was ever mindful of the wonder of water. And, when light began to brighten the sky, I looked out the window and saw that it was raining! 
How pleased, O Humid Immaculate One, you are! And, how pleased am I. Also, how grateful that you chose to visit your blessings upon me today! Thank you.

Oh, Lady of Wisdom, Persian Goddess of Water, how deep my love for you flows. It has been so my entire life here on earth. Your beauty, magick and sweetness restores my body, mind and soul. How grateful I am for you. 

In your honor, I will bathe in fragrant waters (without sea salt) this day. Then, dress in the colours of blue, white and turquoise that you may know I am aligning my energy with yours. I will wear my amethyst pendant and allow my hair to spill long and free down my back to welcome good health, luck and longevity. 

Water is holy! Water is our most precious resource, and thus, I bless every glass I pour with love, joy and wholesome well-being. I envision the water entering and filling my body and every cell within with love, joy and wholesome well-being. Such strong magick is water! I use mine for the highest good of all. 
Knowing that every drop of water on our planet is the exact same water our ancestors drank and bathed in, makes it rare, and precious, and somehow unifying- We are one with the water! I am grateful for the blessing that it provides us; that it is mutable and changes with the power of our thought and intention.

After breakfast, I stand under the patio holding my kitty and small rain drops kissed my face and his. I gave gratitude and sent blessings to you, to the earth, and to us all.

May all the waters be blessed. 
May we all honor and respect the gift of it and use our power to protect and keep it pure. 

Goddess of my heart, Ahurani, Sister of the earth and sky, be with me always.
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly 

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