
11 March 2022

Love Letter to Hara Ke

Beloved Goddess,

Sweet water Goddess, She Who brings refreshment to us all, how I have awaited your return! The rains you sent are most welcome! I love the sound that announces your arrival and I still get excited - just as I did when I was a little girl! 
The sweetness you bring to the earth is felt in the depth of my own being - in the most exquisite ways. 
It was late at night when your train arrived. I was in bed, sound asleep, when the storm woke me. Much like the Spring awakens the earth, the sound of thunder and pouring rain called to me in the dreamtime and sang to me until I returned! Naked, I got out of bed to open the window, so you could enter my room and fill me with your precious energy of rebirth and regeneration. 

Hara Ke, I know so many who complain when you visit. Please ignore them. For the life of me, I do not understand their feelings or thoughts regarding you! How is it even possible for anyone to dislike you? I do not know! You are the essence of life itself!! We owe our very life to you! 
Goddess, I welcome you with open arms. I open my heart to you; and you know that the moment I hear of your arrival, I overflow with joy and rush to be near you! I adore the soft and gentle as well as the heavy rains, alike. I invite you to stay for days - weeks if you will! 
Stay and watch me dance in the street! Watch me embrace every single drop that kisses my face, my hair, my body... my soul. Cover me with your kisses until I'm dripping wet with love of you!
Come with me by the rivers edge and let's watch the waterfalls spill over with joy, too! They sing so loudly, so beautifully. How we love when you visit. I love sipping warm jasmine tea with you, or curling up to read a book while you're tending to the garden. It's pure delight watching you shower the trees with your cleansing love. 

As I curled beneath the warmth of the covers there in the darkness listening to the story you were telling of your long journey, I fell back to sleep. As I dreamed the two dragons who stand in attendance with you in the land where precious souls await rebirth, spoke to me. They whispered secrets that burned my ears and showed me where you kept the key to my happiness.  Also, my grandparents and Daddy hear that I was there and came to greet me. It was so wonderful seeing them again. And, James Phoenix, let me kiss and hug him for the longest time, promising to come see me in my waking life as soon as he was able.

Sweet Goddess, please know that I heartfully await their return. I can hardly wait to see them again here on earth- even though I may not recognize them as they once were. I will love every one I meet just incase it's one my soul knows intimately and shall remember for all time.
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

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