
05 March 2022

Love Letter to Tashmit


Beloved Goddess,

With folded hands, I often stand before you, in awe and silent prayer. Ooh! Vast Eternal and Timeless She, bring hope and unity to us all.

She Who Listens to my prayers, I know you are receiving my messages and I am grateful always for your loving kindness, and caring attention. There are days, but mostly nights, when I see into the ancient past and find you there among the people, hearing what we had to say. You always answer 'yes'...

It takes only a moment to speak a prayer, and yet, how often I do not. Please remind me to keep in close communion with you as I truly wish to be closer to you, than I allow myself... Queen of my heart, teach me to be in full alignment with love and wisdom. Teach me to listen and hear the wisdom hiding in my blood and bones. Help me to hear the voices of my ancient grandmothers, and remember what they say to me...

Please hear this prayer and grant my petition:

Lady of Wisdom, Tashmit, I come to you for guidance. Shine on my path today, that I might see others in an equal light, that I might speak truth and kindness, that I might walk the Path of Beauty with a loving heart and peaceful spirit. 
Hear the voices of your people raised together today in oneness; hear our prayers. Let us find unity in diversity; heal the world; let us know peace and guard it as sacred. 
With a thankful heart, so be it.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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