
28 March 2022

Love Letter to Vâch


Beloved Goddess, 

Earlier this day as I spoke your name, while placing a coral gold rose upon my altar and lighting Palo Santo with the intention of purifying my sacred space, and body, mind and heart- your image appeared before me; as clear and vivid as if you were here with me.  

O Divine Voice of my Soul, along with your presence, was a sweet fragrant scent of myrrh,  of frankincense, or maybe ylang ylang… I'm not certain- it was there, but all too fleeting! 

वाच् Offerings: protection and purification were felt as I embodied your power to banish any lingering shadows of fear or separation from love; to do away with all low energy negativity within the wholeness of my being. Here, in my heart, entered the lightness of your presence- a pure gold light glowing outwardly from within me - and filled the room with a soft aura of unconditional love.

As the beautiful music of Niyaz playing Love and The Veil danced about me, drawing my attention back into the altar room, I invited you to help me retain this holy heart center. I soulfully desire to not just 'let go' of all that is not for my highest good at this time - but to release it once and for all time! 

I asked of you:

May all that is not for my true self, my soul growth and divine heart focus gracefully and harmlessly depart my awareness, my body and my unconscious daily routine. And, be replaced with your power, your beauty, your wisdom and grace that I may practice my chosen daily sadhana, speak confidently in honor of my voice, and manifest the life I am here and purposed to live.

Just after speaking this prayer aloud, a small shift was tangibly felt (like a tiny jolt on the right side near my hip)…

Moving with the flow of the music and your energy, quietly entering into a meditative state, I serenely began cleansing, organizing, and rearranging miscellaneous items in my room, followed by a want to cleanse myself - my aura. Thereby releasing the angst I have been feeling, witnessing and holding in my awareness in recent months. Taking a deep breath, it all just fell away!

The final shift was experienced as the sound of music -ancient and haunting- continued pulling me into a very calm inner space.  Where the rest of the residual energy had just departed... From here, I was able to restore full sanctity to my space, my body, my life.

Vâch Devi, Goddess of Communication, I pray, please strengthen mine. Allow me to speak with others in the most loving, soulful, intelligent and well received ways possible; that healing may occur for us all.

Hearomg me, Mother of the Vedas, you kindly offer the mantra that reaffirms, shelters and sustains my soul.

Mala in hand, O bestower of mystic speech,  I began chanting to you:  

Om Aim Sarasvatyai Namaha 

64 times I sang-

Oom eye-m suh-ruhs-vuht-yeye nuh-muh-huh.
Oom eye-m suh-ruhs-vuht-yeye nuh-muh-huh.
Oom eye-m suh-ruhs-vuht-yeye nuh-muh-huh.

. . .

Such depth of nourishment restore me- mind, body and soul. As I chanted, I felt your wisdom, intelligence, knowledge and creative energy fill my mind and flow through my mouth. The healing force, always at work within me, suddenly make itself known. I felt the mantra supporting my growth, saying 'yes' to all my prayers, uplifting me, removing fear while holistically healing and restoring me to the highest version of my sacred self here on earth - in this space! It was magickal and deeply meaningful. 

I felt you settle gently and graciously within me, and here you remain, still. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly


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