
20 March 2022

Love Letter to Isis

Beloved Goddess,

Mother Moon, thank you for your gifts of love, inner beauty and spiritual awareness. 

On this bright spring evening the Lenten Sugar moon still appears full, and its light is making love to everything in sight. Such an exquisite glow reflects from my skin...

O Queen of Sorcery, upon your altar I have placed in the east and the west, bloodstone and amethyst stones as guardians, representing your protection over me. In the center, a silver dish in the shape of the moon holds a candle with the flame tall and bright. Myrrh and cedar incense burns and their smoke gently spirals upward to you. With the feather of a hawk, I pull it towards myself that it may cleanse and empower my aura... I breathe in deeply and speak this prayer:

Isis, Goddess fill my soul with your attributes. Permeate the white fabric I wear that  I may embody your essence and energy in meaningful ways. The petals of five roses have been placed under my pillow that you may visit my dreams this night. Isis, Goddess Divine, show me a sign of divination that I may know how to proceed in the coming days.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly 

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