
21 March 2022

Love Letter to Ishikore-Dome


Beloved Goddess,

Ishikore-Dome, shine your light reflected in the 8-petaled mirror upon my face, and into my heart that I may come out of my home cave (which I'm want to remain in writing both day and night) to experience the wonder of this day. As you know, today is my birthday, thank you for your best wishes that I shine my own light, that I explore and express my talents in new ways... How beautiful are your gifts to me: a feisty courageous spirit, a strong will, creativity, and a willingness to practice and take action on my dreams. 

Upon your altar I placed the magick mirror (a beautiful old woman gave it to me over a decade ago... Remember? -the one with the maiden laying beside the mirror as if it were a pond, gazing into its depths to see her authentic face) and seven small, silver candles. As I lit each one I spoke a blessing upon all the women and girls of this world, that they may be strong, wise, gentle, kind, confident, creative and authentic. I ask that you make it so.

Thank you,

-Yours devotedly

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