
16 March 2022

Love Letter to Gauri


Beloved Goddess,

Your beauty is breath-takingly golden! Yet, your kindness is even more bright and beautiful! It's difficult for me to look upon you, so radiant is your aura. You shine brighter than the sun and I am forced to bow my head each time I am in your presence. 

Maha Gauri, how pure and pale is your skin... so smooth and clear. Truly, you are more glorious  every time I see you! Please send me the recipe for your Turmeric bath. Though I have no hopes of surpassing your beauty, still, I'd like to look my best, and you did say that it has many healing benefits, as well. Do you also add milk to your bath? I loved how it felt when I was with you last, but I was submerged in the delightful aroma and sensual sensation that I wasn't paying attention to what you were adding to my bath water.

Precious Goddess, you are most kind, and so very dear to me. Each and every time I mention a need or some want, you are quick to help me find a way to have my wishes come true. Your love and attention humble and delight me. How blessed am I to know you!

I can't believe you sent you mirror to me! What a lovely and priceless gift. It's so pretty... and heavy with the ornate gold surrounding it. I've long admired it, but I never dreamed that you'd want me to have it. I will do as you instructed- each and every time I look into the mirror I will speak and think only love. It's not easy to do - but I am trusting you that in time I will actually love what I see. Could it really be true that in time I will love my own reflection? That, like you, I will actually love my body and face and hair and see only beauty; beauty as I see in you? If so, this is a gift I will treasure always, as I currently struggle to do so, especially when I am naked or without makeup. I am most grateful for all that you do for me, Thank you.

I am looking forward to your next visit as we always have so much fun staying up late, talking and laughing. I still laugh out loud when I remember what you told me about your beloved lion. He's adorable in his fierce loyalty and gentle devotion.

Ooh! I almost forgot. The sweets you sent were so exotic and delicious. I'm still enjoying them.

Thank you!

-Your devotedly

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