
29 March 2022

Love Letter to Mujaji


Beloved Goddess,

After living in arid conditions for the last 30 years, I give praise for the humid conditions that embrace me, now... How thankful I am for being called home to the sweet waters of sky and earth. My spirit rejoices!
Your dark beauty has been hidden within my primal soul for eons - keeping me moist and hydrated despite the harsh words, the mean powers and all the lifelessly dry moments that I endured needlessly, and for far too long. Your mysterious and magickal ways have kept me in balance when I could have waivered precariously swinging wildly up and down, wrecking havoc on my inner sanctum. Thank you for holding me in this sacred space, for granting me whatever I needed on unseen levels. Thank you for leading me where I can be restored, refreshed, renewed and rebirthed!

How grateful I am that you are blessing me with the sweet, cleansing, restorative essence of rainwater! You know how much I love the storm - the sound of thunder and the smell of rain. There is something so empowering in the fertile wetness of the earth that invigorates and inspires me. 
Majaji, restore the soil of my soul that I may reap a bountiful harvest of productivity and balance in all areas come autumn. 
While it gently rains, as the day begins, I stand on a little patch of soft moss grateful that there is such lusciousness everywhere around me. I am thankful for the waterfalls, not only for their powerful beauty but also for the negative ions that give- that make me feel so good, hopeful and excited.

Mujaji, flow through me.
Mujaji, cleanse me.
Shower me with your life force energy that I may be empowered in fertile, creative and magickal ways. 
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly.

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