
09 March 2022

Love Letter to Aditi


Beloved Goddess,
Come near to me. Sail your boat upon the waters of my soul, into the center of my heart.
Aditi, She whose name means Unfettered; She of infinite sky, of boundless time and space, Beauty is your aura and prosperity your blessed grace. You grant me infinite blessings of protection and luck. Thank you for watching over me, guiding my heart and keeping me safe.

How sweet the butter you sent, thick and golden hued! Enough to last for many moons. I am honored by thoughtful gifts. In your honor I have lit 12 butter lamps and sat in joyful contemplation of my spirits song- that which lives beyond the flesh and bone of my body. For hours I watched the flames flicker until they were softly extinguished... 
Some flames burned tall, reaching for some unseen height. The others were crescent shaped or round like the phases of the moon. I was told that this reveals mental clarity, a peaceful soul and magickal properties... Thank you for these gifts of spirit. I am honored to receive. 

Yet, Devi, She who rules over divination- reveal something more... Please grant me knowledge of what's to come. Will there ever be a true love for me in this lifetime? I hold such depth of longing within... The little girl I once was had this same burning question- still unanswered, and still I wait. 
If he is to be mine, please give me a sign. Show me where to be, what to do, how to prepare or open myself for the blessing of his love. Time is nothing to you- but it is passing quickly for me. If I am to enjoy him in this lifetime, he must arrive before too long, as I am soon to be sixty-one. I know you wish to grant my hearts desire, and so you will. 
Thank you.
_Yours devotedly

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